List: Daily Checklist version 7.05 Released

[su_custom_gallery source=”media: 612,613″ link=”image” width=”250″] Announcing the release of version 7.05 of List: Daily Checklist. This version brings continued improvements to the app. Thank you too all the Beta testers for finding issues before release. Here are the changes: [su_note note_color=”#66daff”] Added: Support for Android 6 Marshmallow permissions and doze Added: Ability to search for Read more about List: Daily Checklist version 7.05 Released[…]

Version 7.05 Beta Released

[su_custom_gallery source=”media: 592,589″ link=”image” width=”250″] [su_note note_color=”#66daff”] Added: Ability to set text and background colors individually for goals and actions Added: Vacation Day mode. Use when on actual vacation or for when an emergency arises. When in Vacation Day mode unchecked items do not count against you. There is a limit of 7 vacations days Read more about Version 7.05 Beta Released[…]

List Version 7.00 Beta Released

Added: Full Material Design refresh Added: Cross device synchronization using Google Drive (Plus version) Added: One time actions that are not recorded and are removed once completed Added: Can explicitly mark an action in-completed (Long press check box in main list) Added: Privacy mode to hide sensitive actions or goals Added: Added progress report showing Read more about List Version 7.00 Beta Released[…]

List 6.10 Released

Version 6.10 is now officially released. This version has the following enhancements: Added: Some Material Design elements (More to come…) Added: Separated font size for list and widget Added: Shortcut to view an action’s stats calendar. Long press on action, choose ‘View Stats’ Added: Documentation describing the app’s screens Added: Ability to remove an action Read more about List 6.10 Released[…]

List 6.10 Beta 2 Released

In the interest of squashing as many bugs as possible while allowing interested users to get updated features sooner I have released 6.10 into beta. This version has the following enhancements: Added: Some Material Design elements (More to come…) Added: Separated font size for list and widget Added: Shortcut to view an action’s stats calendar. Read more about List 6.10 Beta 2 Released[…]