New and Exciting Release Coming Soon

We have been working hard to provide our users with a new and improved version of the app. Here are some new features you can expect in the upcoming beta release. Added Race the Day motivation feature. Compares your score to the percent of the day that has elapsed so far. Floating numerical Action values Read more about New and Exciting Release Coming Soon[…]

Floating options

Introducing List Version 13

List: Daily Checklist version 13 has been released to the Play Store. Highlights: New Floating Options This version adds two new floating types. Earlier versions had a week specific float that allowed you to schedule actions for X number of times per week. Floats by definition do not need to be done on specific days. Read more about Introducing List Version 13[…]

Introducing List version 8.0

Hello! I am happy to announce the release of List:Daily Checklist version 8.0. This version has many improvements. Improved Cloud Sync using Firebase, more action scheduling options, and a numerical action type are the most notable. Cloud Sync now uses Google Firebase as opposed to Google Drive. This change makes synchronization faster and more reliable. Read more about Introducing List version 8.0[…]

Goal Tracking comes to List: Daily Checklist version 7.06

[su_custom_gallery source=”media: 690,692″ link=”image” width=”250″] Announcing the release of version 7.06 of List: Daily Checklist. This version brings continued improvements to the app. Thank you too all the Beta testers for finding issues before release. Here are the changes: [su_note note_color=”#66daff”] Goal value tracking. You can now track goal values numerically. Spanish language translation. Thanks Read more about Goal Tracking comes to List: Daily Checklist version 7.06[…]

List: Daily Checklist version 7.05 Released

[su_custom_gallery source=”media: 612,613″ link=”image” width=”250″] Announcing the release of version 7.05 of List: Daily Checklist. This version brings continued improvements to the app. Thank you too all the Beta testers for finding issues before release. Here are the changes: [su_note note_color=”#66daff”] Added: Support for Android 6 Marshmallow permissions and doze Added: Ability to search for Read more about List: Daily Checklist version 7.05 Released[…]

Version 7.05 Beta Released

[su_custom_gallery source=”media: 592,589″ link=”image” width=”250″] [su_note note_color=”#66daff”] Added: Ability to set text and background colors individually for goals and actions Added: Vacation Day mode. Use when on actual vacation or for when an emergency arises. When in Vacation Day mode unchecked items do not count against you. There is a limit of 7 vacations days Read more about Version 7.05 Beta Released[…]

List Version 7.00 Beta Released

Added: Full Material Design refresh Added: Cross device synchronization using Google Drive (Plus version) Added: One time actions that are not recorded and are removed once completed Added: Can explicitly mark an action in-completed (Long press check box in main list) Added: Privacy mode to hide sensitive actions or goals Added: Added progress report showing Read more about List Version 7.00 Beta Released[…]