How Priority Weights Work

Please note: This method of calculating weights has been discontinued.
Read about the new method here:
Introducing Effort Based Scoring

PriorityWeights_ScreenshotList provides a way to weigh your daily score as a normal percentage (all actions share an equal weight towards the score) or as a priority weighted percentage. Priority weighted scoring allows you to specify the relative weight of each priority. By default high priority actions are 60% weighted, medium are 30% and low are 10%. This option is found under Settings -> Priority Weights under the Statistical section.

The way Priority Weights work is like weighted test scoring in school. Like:

Tests account for 10% of your final grade
Project account for 30%
The final exam accounts for 60%

So, if you got 80 on your tests, 90 on your project and 100 on your final exam your final score would be:

.80 * 10 = 8
.90 * 30 = 27
1.00 * 60 = 60

8 + 27 + 60 = 95 or 95%

In List it translates to this (using the default weights):

The percentage of completed low priority items counts for 10% of your final score
The medium priority items count for 30%
The high priority items count for 60%

So, if you completed 8 out of your 10 low priority items your low score is: 80%
Completing 9/10 medium gives you: 90%
And, 12/12 of your high gives you: 100%

So, the overall score becomes, (same as above):

.80 * 10 = 8
.90 * 30 = 27
.100 * 60 = 60

Your score is 95%.

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